Tuesday 17 December 2013

WWE TLC 2013 Results

WWE aired its 2013TLC: Tables, Ladders and Chairspay-per-view on Sunday night and the event crowned a new WWE Unified Champion and also featured CM Punk vs. The Shield and Daniel Bryan vs. The Wyatt Family.The event kicked off with a pre-show match between Dolph Ziggler and Fandango (w/Summer Rae). Ziggler tries to superplex Fandango but Summer Rae distracts him and Fandango hits a top rope leg drop for the win. CM Punk defeats The Shield in a 3-on-1 handicap match. Punk hits Seth Rollins with a GTS and goes for one on Dean Ambrose, but Roman Reigns enbters the ring and goes for a spear. Punk sidesteps him and Reigns drills Ambrose, so Punk throws Reigns out ofthe ring and rolls up Ambrose for the win.AJ Lee defeats Natalya to retain the Divas Championship. Natalya went for the Sharpshooter but AJ grabbed her hair and rolled her up for the win.Big E. Langston retains the Intercontinental Championship against Damien Sandow when he plants him with the Big Ending.Cody Rhodes and Goldust retain the Tag Team Championships in the Fatal 4-Way Match. Goldust rolls up Ryback for the first elimination, then Big Show knocks out Antonio Cesaro for the second elimination. Cody Rhodes hits Rey Mysterio with Cross Rhodes after several counters to finally win the match.R-Truth (w/ Xavier Woods) defeats Brodus Clay (w/Tensai and the Funkadactyls) with a roll-up. Tensai andthe Funkadactyls left ringside after arguing with Brodus.Kofi Kingston defeats The Miz by throwing him into an exposed turnbuckle and connecting with Trouble in Paradise.The Wyatt Family defeats Daniel Bryan in a 3-on-1 handicap match. Bryan has Bray Wyatt in the Yes Lock but Bray countered into Sister Abigail for the win.Randy Orton defeats John Cena in the main event TLC match to become the unified WWE Champion. Orton handcuffs Cena to the bottom rope and climbs the ladder, but Cena takes apart the turnbuckle and ropes to free himself. He knocks Orton off the ladderbut Orton uses the rope around Cena's wrist to send him headfirst into a table and then climbs the ladder and pulls down both belts.

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