Monday 9 December 2013

Record cold in Iceland -31°C below zero

The coldest measured temeperature in Iceland since March 8th 1998 was
recorded yesterday, -31°C in Mývatn North Iceland. In 1998 it went
down to -34.7°C.

The temperature yesterday was also the lowest measured in December
since December 27th 1995 when it was -31.7°C.

Coldest 6th of December ever

Meteorologist Trausti Jónsson points out on his blog that the
temperature yesterday (-31°C) is most likely a all time low for the
6th of December.

"It's very rare for the temperature in Iceland to go below -30°C. The
record is -38.0°C in Möðrudalur and Grímsstaðir á Fjöllum, recorded on
January 21st 1918", Trausti wrote.

Tourists in hot springs had to borrow caps

Tourist that were bathing in the Mývatn Nature Baths yesterday had to
borrow caps in the evening, when it was around -30°C. Conditions for
bathing were very nice though and little wind.

The freezing temperatures are not too bad, it's the wind that is our enemy.

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