Thursday 21 November 2013

Bomb blasts killed two in Pakistani city of Quetta

A series of bomb explosions have killed at least two people and injured several others in the troubled southwestern Pakistani city of Quetta, security sources say.The casualties came after coordinated blasts rocked Sirki roadand Moti Ram road areas in Quetta,the capital of Balochistan Province.The injured were shifted to a nearby hospital for necessary medical treatment.Law enforcement agencies say theyhave launched an investigation into the deadly bombings. Pakistani officials often blame Baloch separatist groups for such attacks. Quetta has experienced a fresh spate of violence and militancy over the past few months. Militant attacks and bomb explosions have killed hundreds of people in the volatile city so far this year.Pro-Taliban militants and some Baloch insurgent groups have carried out numerous attacks against security forces as well as civilians.The Pakistani army has launched several operations in the troubled northwestern and southwestern regions in a bid to flush out militants from the volatile areas.Despite the Pakistani government's operations against militants, they have still been able to spread their influence in various regions of the country and kill thousands of people, who have lost their lives in bombings and other militant attacks since 2001, when Pakistan entered an alliance with the US in the war on terror.

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