Sunday 26 May 2019

Huawei introduced its ‘Hongmeng’ Android and Windows Operating System replacement

The last week has been bad for Huawei who is fighting for its survival after all the major tech giants blocked the company. Shortly after the ban, Huawei revealed that it had anticipated this day would come and was preparing for it. The company also revealed that they are working on their home grown OS to compete with Android.

Not only that, but the company has also filed for a trademark with China’s National Intellectual Property Administration. The website of the trademark office shows that an application was submitted August 24, 2018, and the trademark is valid until May 13, 2029.

A couple of days back, Huawei confirmed that they are aiming for a fall release of their own OS which should work on both smartphones and laptops. At this moment, the US government has lifted the ban temporarily allowing Huawei to put their affairs in order and prepare to quit the market.

The operating system will likely run Android apps, meaning another company besides Google’s Chromebooks will soon be trying to bring Android apps to the desktop.

According to Pakistan’s first Islamic calendar, Eid on June 5

Federal Science and Technology Minister Fawad Chaudhry made good on his promise to create Pakistan’s first Islamic calendar on Sunday. He presented the calendar and an online moon sighting portal on Sunday.

Through the online portal (which comprises both a website and mobile application), people will be able to see where the moon is over their territory. By launching this calendar, we are eliminating the uncertainty that always prevailed in Pakistan around Eid, he announced.

The five-year calendar has already set the dates for Eidul Fitr. According to it, this year’s Eid will be on June 5. The next four Eids are May 24, 2020, May 3, 2021, April 22, 2022 and April 10, 2023.

He said that the creation of this calendar will not reduce the role of religious clerics. He also said that knowledge is important and there is nothing wrong with using that knowledge.

He told religious clerics to use the technology available to them for important issues like moon sighting. If you’re so bent on using the naked eye to sight the moon, then glasses then become haram (forbidden) too, he said. If using 50-year-old telescopes is halal and 100-year-old glasses is okay but using new technology is haram, then it doesn’t make sense, he said. Don’t worry, it won’t end your role, he consoled religious clerics.

Chaudhry said that application was prepared with input from experts of the Meteorological Department and SUPARCO. The application will be available from Monday on the Google Play Store, he announced.

Using the application, you’ll be able to see the moon on the app and where it is, he explained. The moon’s location over eight strategic locations will be mapped on the application, said Chaudhry. They have based their moon-sighting on three main principles — 6.8% altitude, luminosity of 0.8% and 38 minute difference between sunset and the moon’s visibility.

The proposal has been sent to the Council of Islamic Ideology and will be presented before the federal cabinet on Tuesday. He also announced that August will be declared a science and technology month across Pakistan.

Chaudhry stirred up controversy with his plans for the calendar as it was seen as a challenge to the Ruet-e-Hilal Committee. Before the official announcement of Ramaza, Chaudhry took to Twitter to announce that his ministry would make an Islamic calendar with Eid, Ramazan and Muharram dates pre-decided. In response, Mufti Muneebur Rehman, the head of Pakistan’s moon sighting committee, told Chaudhry to mind his own business.

Chaudhry had said on Twitter that the country’s future cannot be left to maulvis (religious clerics).

Saturday 12 September 2015

Macbeth - Story

This story of Macbeth takes place in the Melbourne underworld. Macbeth (Sam Worthington), a loyal underboss to his crime boss Duncan (Gary Sweet), is told by teenage witches that he will one day assume great power. Driven by their prophecy, his wife (Victoria Hill) plans to kill Duncan and take the leadership of the gang for herself and her husband. Macbeth's obsessive love for her leads him to agree to her murderous plan, but he finds that maintaining his power will require a lot more from him than first imagined.
The film opens in a cemetery where the Weird Sisters, three school girl witches, are seen destroying and defacing headstones and statues, while close by Lady Macbeth weeps beside a headstone marked "beloved son". Macbeth stands by. It is here that the three witches make their plan to meet with Macbeth later, and leave the cemetery, smiling smugly at Macbeth from afar.
Macbeth leads Duncan's gang, in his absence, to do a drug deal with Macdonwald and his men. In a gunfight between the gangs, all members of Macdonwald's gang are killed. While chasing two gunmen, Banquo and Macbeth are led to the Cawdor Club. They seize the club. The current owner of the club is tied up and later killed.
Duncan officially hands the club over to Macbeth, and Macbeth and Banquo celebrate by drinking the club's alcohol and taking some pills found on a table. During this drug trip Macbeth meets the three witches, who prophesy that he will soon be in Duncan's position with total control over the gang. He tells his wife this, though she doubts he has it in him to take over Duncan's position. Later when she learns that Duncan will be dining and staying at their house, she plots with her husband to kill him, passing the rank of gang leader to Macbeth.
Lady Macbeth drugs Duncan's bodyguards, and while they sleep Macbeth takes their knives and kills Duncan, framing the guards. Macduff comes to Inverness and finds Duncan murdered in his bed. Before the bodyguards can profess their innocence Macbeth shoots them. Malcolm, Duncan's son, immediately suspects Macbeth as having something to do with his father's death and flees.
After Macbeth is hailed as the new leader by most of Duncan's gang Macbeth sends two murderers to kill Banquo and his son, Fleance. The murderers kill Banquo, but Fleance escapes. Macbeth holds a celebratory dinner, and after learning that Banquo has been killed, sees a vision of Banquo's ghost at the dining table. Macbeth is becoming more shaken by his desire for power. Lennox, Ross and others now suspect Macbeth of killing Duncan and Banquo.
Macbeth finds the three witches in his house that evening and, after drinking a foul potion and engaging in an orgiastic sexual encounter with them, asks the witches of his future. He is told to fear Macduff, but no man "of woman born shall kill you". Later it is revealed that Macduff is not a natural birth, but a caesarean section, which is not "of woman born". He is also shown a vision of Fleance being hailed as gang leader. These prophecies enrage Macbeth, as does the witches' quick disappearance, and he has the murderers go to Macduff's home and brutally kill Lady Macduff and her son.
Seeing this on the television, Lennox and Ross go to tell Macduff who has gone to his uncle Siward. Malcolm convinces him that Macbeth has gone much too far in his quest for power and must be stripped of his leader status.
Meanwhile, Lady Macbeth has become more insane, to the point where she re-imagines the evening of Duncan's killing and continuously tries to wash off his blood from her hands. A doctor sedates her, and Macbeth appears fairly indifferent to her instability. He prepares for the impending attack from Macduff, Lennox and Ross. Lady Macbeth commits suicide in a bath tub by slashing her wrists, enraging Macbeth. The two murderers, realising the unlikeliness of surviving the attack, swiftly flee Dunsinane leaving Macbeth with only Seyton, his main bodyguard, and two others. The murderers run into Macduff and his associates at the edge of Burnham Wood and are shot. Fleance looks on.
Malcolm leads his men to Dunsinane where they ambush the house and a large gunfight ensues between them and Macbeth and his guards. Macbeth is chased to the cellar where he faces off with Macduff and is stabbed in the stomach. He stumbles upstairs to his bedroom, where the body of Lady Macbeth lies, and dies at her side. As Macduff leads Fleance, now the inherited gang leader, from the house Macbeth's famous "tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow" speech is heard.

Monday 20 October 2014

Taufeeq Umar returns for Australia Tests

Taufeeq Umar, the left-hand opening batsmen, has made a comeback to the Pakistan Test squad for the two-match series against Australia in the UAE. Taufeeq played the last of his 43 Tests in July 2012.

Sunday 19 October 2014

بلوچستان کےعلاقے لسبیلہ میں پنجاب سے تعلق رکھنے والے 9 مزدوروں کی لاشیں برآمد

لسبیلہ کے قریب سے 9 مغوی مزدوروں کی لاشیں برآمد ہوئی ہیں ، مرنے والوں کا تعلق پنجاب کے مختلف علاقوں سے تھا اور وہ محنت مزدوری کیلئے لسبیلہ میں آئے تھے ۔پولیس کے مطابق مزدوروں کو گزشتہ رات اغوا کیا گیا تھا اوراتوار کی صبح ننگ ہار کے علاقے سے ان کی لاشیں برآمد ہوئیں۔ اغوا ہونے والوں میں سے ایک مزدور کو زندہ چھوڑ دیا گیا ہے ، پولیس نے مزدوروں کی لاشیں قبضے میں لے کر تفتیش کا آغاز کر دیا ہے۔